"Who Are the Southern Mountaineers?" by Cratis D. Williams.
"Farewell to Appalachia" by Robert Coles.
"The Idylls of the Appalachian: an unpublished lecture by William Gilmore Simms (Part One)" ed. Miriam Shillingsburg.
"The Genesis of Forestry in the Southern Appalachians" by John and Ina Van Noppen.
"Agee's Use of Regional Material in A Death in the Family" by Victor Kramer.
"Lincoln Memorial University" by Jesse Stuart.
"A Phalanx of Children": four articles by Kenneth E. Eble, Robert Coles, George R. Wesley, and Thomas J. Cottle.
"People Versus Place Prosperity: A Debate Revisited" by Dean A. Dudley and Tridib K. Mukherjee.
A short story by Vokes Richardson ("Government Boy and the Federal Chickens").
Reviews by Guy Owen (The Foxfire Book ed. Eliot Wigginton), Michael Wise (Change in Rural Appalachia: Implications for Action Programs ed. John D. Photiadis and Harry K. Schwarzwell), Nancy Hollander (Appalachia in the Sixties: Decade of Reawakening ed. David S. Walls and John B. Stephenson), and Cratis Williams (Sayings from Old Smoky: Some Traditional Phrases, Expressions, and Sentences Heard in the Great Smoky Mountains and Nearby Areas. An Introduction to a Southern Mountain Dialect ed. Joseph S. Hall).
Brief Reviews by Charlotte Ross (Coaltown Revisited, An Appalachian Notebook by Bill Peterson, The Appalachian Photographs of Doris Ulmann by John Jacob Nildes, Only a Miner by Archie Green, Tennessee Hillfolk by Joe Clark, and The Journey of August King by John Ehle).
Poetry by Muriel Miller Dressler ("Mountain Sarvis"), Alice Moser Claudel ("Matinee"), and Robert Irwin ("Poem on a September Morning" and "School Children").
(Out of print. Available as spiral-bound photocopy.)